The main protagonist's circumstance were less sympathetic and more a result of his actual decisions.

In some ways it reminded me of an inferior "Up". The animation is very good, the story is solid even if it feels like a lot of the ideas have been done before in different ways and feels like a few ideas didn't quite work as well as possible. Overall I found the movie better than what I was expecting based on it's IMDB score, but still far from being a Pixar classic. And those reviewer who make the movie all about those things seem to say more about themself in their review than the movie itself. I'll address that quickly: None of that seemed like a big selling-point or issue with the movie to me. This film seems to spark a lot of people to say that this film is completely terrible or that it's completely fabulous because it included a gay relationship in the periphery of the main story, and to an even lesser extent, a convict character who is sympathetic. Reviewed by brianjohnson-20043 7 / 10 The movie is ok. The story lacked expectations for a nostalgic character, but wasn't necessarily terrible, so again, go in with an open-mind. Overall, not the outstanding film I was expecting even with all the great visual and sound. The kids in the theatre seemed to have loved. Go in with an open-mind and make of it what you will. I think the biggest thing is to forget the trailer. Who he was in "Toy Story" is not the same as who is here, and again, it didn't sit right. Zurg was perhaps the biggest disappointment with how they portrayed him. Honestly, I don't think this film was for adults to reach back to the childhood nostalgia, but rather its for a new generation to make the character it's own meaning. The film definitely looked, and sounded, great, but it didn't do enough to grasp a love for the character, or the story. I did get a few laughs out, but it felt forced sometimes to be able to enjoy the film. Definitely some funny moments amongst them. The surrounding characters were just as enjoyable.

Chris Evans sounded like Buzz and brought the character to life.

I expected this to be an emotional journey, but there were maybe three moments where a tear was shed. This isn't what I expected for his story.

While we never got firm info about Buzz's origins in the "Toy Story" films. The nostalgia was there for ten minutes and then it went away as the story trails away into something that just didn't sit right. Reviewed by PerryAtTheMovies 6 / 10 No signs of intelligent life anywhere.